The Longevity Protocol reduce cellular aging

A Holistic Approach to Longevity:
NAD Infusions, Ozone Therapy with UBI, and Customized Vitamin IV Infusions 

The pursuit of longevity and healthy aging has inspired the exploration of comprehensive approaches that address multiple aspects of cellular health and rejuvenation. Combining NAD infusions, ozone therapy with Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI), and customized Vitamin IV infusions presents a holistic strategy to promote longevity. Here, we will explore how these therapies synergistically work together to optimize well-being and support healthy aging.

What DOES the Longevity Protocol consists of?

Intra-V's Longevity Protocol 3-month commitment to your ongoing health and wellness. The first part is the micronutrient test to determine what your body is deficient in. We then put together a custom IV infusion specifically for what your body is deficient in. Then, your custom protocol begins as follows and is repeated for 3 months

Week 1

  • 1x 500mg NAD+ Infusion

  • 1x Custom IV infusion

Week 2

  • 1x Custom IV infusion

  • 1x 100mg NAD+ IM shot

Week 3

  • 1x High Dose Ozone and UBI treatment

  • 1x Custom IV infusion

  • 1x 100mg NAD+ IM shot

Week 4

  • 1x Custom IV infusion

  • 1x 100mg NAD+ IM shot

Understanding the Therapies:

  1. NAD Infusions: NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme critical for cellular energy production and various cellular processes. NAD infusions involve intravenous administration of NAD precursors, such as nicotinamide riboside (NR) or nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), to replenish declining NAD levels. These infusions aim to enhance mitochondrial function, activate sirtuins, support DNA repair, and reduce oxidative stress. You can learn more about our NAD+ infusions here.

  2. Ozone Therapy with Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI): Ozone therapy, combined with Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI), is a treatment that utilizes medical-grade ozone and UV light to stimulate various physiological responses. Ozone therapy involves the introduction of ozone into the body, while UBI exposes a small amount of blood to UV light before returning it to the body. This combined therapy is believed to enhance oxygen utilization, modulate immune function, improve antioxidant capacity, and promote overall well-being.

  3. Customized Vitamin IV Infusions: Customized Vitamin IV infusions deliver a tailored blend of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream. These infusions are customized based on individual needs and include vitamins such as B-complex, C, and D, minerals like magnesium, zinc, selenium, and antioxidants such as glutathione. Vitamin IV infusions support immune function, cellular repair, antioxidant defense, and overall well-being.

Synergistic Benefits for Longevity:

  1. Optimized Cellular Function and Energy Production: NAD infusions enhance cellular energy metabolism by replenishing NAD levels, which are crucial for ATP production. Ozone therapy with UBI improves oxygen utilization and tissue oxygenation, supporting mitochondrial function and overall cellular energy. The combined therapies promote optimal cellular function and contribute to longevity.

  2. Enhanced Antioxidant Defense and Immune Function: Ozone therapy with UBI and customized Vitamin IV infusions both possess powerful antioxidant properties. Ozone therapy stimulates the production of antioxidant enzymes, while customized Vitamin IV infusions deliver high concentrations of antioxidants directly to the cells. This helps reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, supporting immune function and protecting against age-related damage.

  3. DNA Repair and Regeneration: NAD infusions support DNA repair mechanisms, while ozone therapy with UBI and customized Vitamin IV infusions provide essential nutrients for cellular repair and regeneration. This combined approach promotes tissue healing, supports optimal cellular function, and contributes to longevity by mitigating age-related damage.

  4. Detoxification and Cleansing: Ozone therapy with UBI has been suggested to aid in detoxification by enhancing liver function and promoting the elimination of toxins. Combined with customized Vitamin IV infusions, which support liver health and provide necessary nutrients, this approach aids in overall cleansing and contributes to well-being.

Get started today

Integrating NAD infusions, Ozone Therapy with UBI, and customized Vitamin IV Infusions offers a holistic and synergistic approach to promoting longevity and healthy aging. By addressing multiple aspects of cellular health, energy production, antioxidant defense, immune function, and detoxification, these therapies work together to optimize well-being and enhance vitality, life span, and health span.

We can’t wait to help you begin your longevity health journey!
